Monday, July 28, 2008

How Do You Share The Gospel?

How do you share the gospel? Many preachers are sharing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins but they neglect to explain sin. This denies the lost person the ability to see the need for a savior. Most people do not know all of God’s 10 commandments or understand the severity of breaking them. The apostle Paul said “I would not have known what sin was except through the law” (Romans 7:7). Think about how many people come to church every Sunday to hear a gospel presentation that tells them that they are a sinner but Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins. This is a true statement however, how many people actually think that they are the sinner in which the pastor is speaking about. Many people think of themselves as good people and are probably thinking something like “the pastor is not speaking to me, he’s talking to the guy in the back with ripped jeans, tattoos, and face piercings. He looks like he has been involved in some bad things, but I am a great guy.” Another person may only know the 6th and 7th commandments which are “You shall not murder” and “You shall not commit adultery” and may think “I am good because I have not ever murdered anyone or committed adultery.” That same person may think “it sure is good for those adulterers and murderers that Jesus died on the cross for them if not they would be going to hell!” They do not realize that God also commands us not to lie, steal, blaspheme, idolize, disobey our parent’s, break the Sabbath, give false testimony, or covet. In addition they do not understand that the bible says that “the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as the person who has broken all of God's laws” (James 2:10). This means that by telling just one lie the sinner is condemned and faces punishment. The lost person needs to understand this. Only by having the proper understanding will the lost listener see the need for a savior. Otherwise they will go on thinking that they are righteous on their own and that God will see them as a good person when they die. They do not know that God doesn’t see any of us as good. In Isaiah 64:6 it says: “And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags”. There is only one way to be viewed as righteous in the eyes of God and that is to be covered by the blood of Jesus. The only way to be covered by His blood is to repent of (turn from) your sins and trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and then He will send the Holy Spirit to fill new believer.

In conclusion, it is no secret that God does the conversion but He uses the preacher as a tool to show the lost person the need for a savior so let us all be obedient and share the full gospel. We cannot continue to assume that the lost know what sin is because many of them do not! It does no good to tell someone that you have the cure to a sickness if they do not believe that they are sick. Let’s make sure that we show them their sickness first and then show them the cure. Then you will see true repentance and trust in action.


Robert Houghton said...

Great job brother Braz! I think what your saying is right on point. I was one of those that when hearing a preacher speak about sin would always think "That the problem with so and so, he's a sinner" I never seen my sins until I saw myself in the mirror of the 10 commandments.

I wouldn't say that people have to follow the same "script" as we do, but that it is very important to clearly show the standard in which God will judge the world. So that the hearer will know that he is condemned without the shed blood of Christ.

Emily said...

That was fire!!! I too, had the problem of viewing myself as a good person and never thought myself to been damned for all eternity just for the little things I did wrong. I always thought that since I had never killed or committed adultry that I was doing just fine. God's commandments were very clear at showing me that I needed Jesus to step in and take over, because God's standard was tooo high for me to reach.